I'm using this code. I play counter, press Ctrl and Shift .ahk does not work. game in Crtl and Shift work for what I need to add.
~LButton:: ; while holding Left mouse button, usually fire
loop ; preform this and loop it while the fire button is held
GetKeyState,updn, LButton, P ; check to see if its down
if updn = U ; if its not down
break ; break the loop
MouseClick, left,,, 2, 0, D ; if the loop isnt broken this
MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, U ; virtually send 2 downclicks then 1 up very fast
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 1, uint, 0, int, 1) ; on the down click move the mouse position this much
Try adding the modifyer wild card
to your hotkey and it will still work if you hold down Ctrl or ShiftHope it helps