I have a timeseries dataset which has both negative and non-negative numbers. There is a value (-999) which indicated nan values in the cloud. What I want to do is, I want to use a sum query which will take the negative numbers into consideration. Is there a way to omit negative numbers while querying?
predix sum query on non negative numbers only
138 views Asked by AudioBubble At
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for a Predix Time Series query that will return the sum of all tag readings but exclude any -999 values from the result.
If so, the query body might look like this:
I wrote a small test script with the PredixPy SDK to demonstrate the scenario and result if that's helpful for you.
You may also want to consider in the future that when data is ingested you use the quality attribute so that instead of filtering on values greater than -999 you could query for quality is GOOD or UNCERTAIN.
Hope that helps.