PptxGenJS add chart show nothing

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I am working with an export function by using PptxGenJS. It does not work even with basic example code from demo source code on official Github. I am working with export charts.

My steps:

  • Install PptxGenJS and import like normal npm package.
  • Copy code from official demo: slide.addChart( pptx.charts.BAR, arrDataRegions, optsChartBar1 );

The result:

  • Chart show nothing in exported slider.
  • Open with Microsoft Powerpoint 2013, it shows some error similar to this question.
  • My codesanbox even worse, no file were downloaded.

My notable package versions:

"react": "^16.13.1",
"pptxgenjs": "^2.6.0",

My environment versions:

  • node version: v10.17.0
  • npm version: v6.11.3
  • Windows 10 Pro 1903, OS build 18362.1082

Both two versions of Pptxgenjs do not work. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for any idea. I'm giving up on this library.


There are 1 answers

Boopathy On

Maybe case-sensitive. Change your BAR to bar like below,

import pptxgen from "pptxgenjs";

let pres = new pptxgen();
let slide = pres.addSlide();
let dataChartAreaLine = [
                name: "Actual Sales",
                labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"],
                values: [1500, 4600, 5156, 3167, 8510, 8009],
                name: "Projected Sales",
                labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"],
                values: [1000, 2600, 3456, 4567, 5010, 6009],

        slide.addChart(pres.ChartType.bar, dataChartAreaLine, { x: 2, y: 2, w: 6, h: 3, showLegend: true });

pres.writeFile("Sample Presentation.pptx");