So i will shortly explain the env: Need to work on a Win2k8 Server with Powershell 4.0
I want to get some information with using SNMP (so printer type and printer MAC address):
$SNMP = new-object -ComObject olePrn.OleSNMP
$PType = $SNMP.get(".")
$PMac = $SNMP.get(".")
echo $PType
echo $PMac
So, the Output looks like this (as an example):
$PType = HP Officejet Pro 251dw Printer
$PMac = ÓÁÔ*
So, first of all i started to check, if i used the right OID - using the command line tool of SnmpSoft Company. There, the output looked well:
Value= A0 D3 C1 D4 2A 95 ....*.
Alright, so i started to check, what kind of datatype this OID value have: It's octet string. In the next steps, i started to search for possibilities, how to transform this octet string value to some readable hex - until now without any progression. i tried to transform it into Bytes this way:
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($PMac)
echo $bytes
But the output just confusing me
160 0 211 0 193 0 212 0 42 0 34 32
Tryed to interpret this output without any success. Google can't help me anymore because i don't understand slowly also, how or what to search.
So here i am and hoping to get some help or an advice, how i can change the output of this query to something readable.
The output you got is very nearly your expected MAC address
is decimal for hexadecimal0xA0
The additional zeros between each byte may have been added during the Unicode.GetBytes call, which I don't think you'll need to use.
I suspect you'll need to read
as an array of bytes, then do hexadecimal string conversion for each byte. This is probably not the most elegant, but may get the job done: