I have script for our monitoring software and i would like to monitor failed or succesfull windows scheduled task.
Powershell script looks like this:
#Monitor windows tasks for checkmk raw 1.6.0
#Last update: 31.05.2021
$tasks = Get-ScheduledTask | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo | Select TaskName,LastRunTime,LastTaskResult
#CHECKMK states
#$OK = "0 MWT -"
#$Warning = "1 MWT -"
#$Crit = "2 MWT -"
#$Unknown = "3 MWT -"
foreach($task in $tasks)
if($($task.LastTaskResult) -eq 0){
Write-Host "0 MWT$incre - Scheduled task: $($task.TaskName) was succesfull"
Write-Host "2 MWT$incre - Scheduled task: $($task.TaskName) has failed."
Clear-Variable -Name "incre"
Output of script is this:
2 MWT1 - Scheduled task: ftp has failed.
0 MWT2 - Scheduled task: Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-3586077036-2416152140-2432273966-1104 was succesfull
0 MWT3 - Scheduled task: Adobe Acrobat Update Task was succesfull
0 MWT4 - Scheduled task: FSRM_Update was succesfull
Each line adds service to our monitoring software. It needs to have different names thats why i incrementing value for each line MWT1,2,3.
Problem is, i need to have same incremented value for each object everytime script is run. And it needs to be dynamic, when i add task its gonna give it numbers which were never use before and they will stick with it and when i remove task it will remove that number and will never be used again or it will used only for newly created tasks.
Is it somehow possible?
If I understand correctly, why not add a calculated property to the task objects you are gathering in variable
that will contain the incremented number as property?Something like this: