Powershell Import/Export-csv group & join cells

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I have a csv file which I need to group and join various cells together and have them then separated by a semi-colon in the csv layout is as such

CSV Layout

I have managed to join the cells 'price' & 'functionnumber' together and separate them with a ';' but for 'datedespatched' and 'username' which just need to display the 1 name or date the cells return with 'System.Object[]' displayed in the condensed cell, the 'referencenumber' cell appears to condense down fine. This is my current code and the output I receive from it

 Import-Csv 'C:\temp\test.csv' | Group-Object ReferenceNumber |ForEach-Object {

        ReferenceNumber = $_.Name

        userName = $_.Group.userName

        DateDespatched = $_.Group.DateDespatched 

        functionnumber = $_.Group.functionnumber -join '; '

        Price = $_.Group.Price -join '; '
 } | Export-Csv 'C:\temp\test-export.csv' -NoTypeInformation 


Thank you in advance


There are 1 answers

Tanaka Saito On

When you create your custom PS object you are joining the output of functionnumber and Price but not userName and DateDespatched. The effect this has is that the $_.Group.userName becomes an array, and you're sending the array as the object to output. If you add

-join ';' 

to both username and DateDespatched it will work. I had a similar issue with this that I got some good help on in this post.

If you want to only output one name per row, you could pipe the arrays to

Select-Object -Unique 

to only get unique entries.