I've created a video using ffmpeg that contains headers.
My script for creating it is:
ffmpeg.exe -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 560x448 -r 40 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i C_L_560x448_40_static_maxSSIM_QP23_B2.yuv -vcodec rawvideo -qscale 0 -filter_complex "drawtext=fontsize=32: fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf: text='SSIM=0.961': x=(w-tw)/2: y=(lh/2): fontcolor=orange, drawtext=fontsize=22: fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf: text='Bitrate≤1800 [1873 kbps], Frame rate≥40 [43.98 fps]': x=(w-tw)/2: y=(lh/2+30): fontcolor=orange : box=1: boxcolor=0x00000099, drawbox=x=80:y=160:w=220:h=135:[email protected]" C_L_560x448_40_static_maxSSIM_QP23_B2_new.avi
Firstly, media player showed it as green screen. I downloaded
Media Player Codec Pack
and now show its correclty.
However, when I insert it in powerpoint 2016
I have the same problem of green screen. Do you know how to fix this?
player can play it correctly. Is there any way to change the player of excel and use vlc player instead?
I followed the solution provided here and I solved my problem: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/291879/how-to-play-media-clips-in-powerpoint-by-using-windows-media-player
I embed
windows media player
in mypowerpoint
and I can play the video.