Powerline on Mac OS X not working as expected

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as the image show , after installing the powerline for vim some symbols work not so good.

as the image shows , after installing the powerline for vim, some symbols are not working.

For searching google i thought there maybe problems with the patch fonts. But after trying i cannot solve this problem. Could someone help me?

Environment: Mac OSX 10.8.2, iTerm2. 

There are 6 answers

Piqué On

Since you are on iTerm 2, make sure you go into your settings and set both the regular font and the non-ascii font to powerline compatible fonts or the prompt separators and special characters will not display correctly as it is happening in your case.

Giang On

iTerm2 -> Preferences... -> Text -> Font & Non-ASCII Font -> Choose Inconsolata for Powerline

enter image description here

DupontC On

Install powerline-shell fonts and change in your iTerm2 the text's setting with Inconsolata font for exemple.

Fernando On

--For all the noobs, with attention deficit, like my self.

I had the same issue, the solution was much more basic than than installing the fonts, but was not mentioned anywhere else: manually setting the fonts in your terminal (still need to make sure you have the fonts installed).

In iTerm2: iTerm > preferences > profiles > text > Regular font & non ASCII font.

In Terminal : Terminal > preferences > profiles > text > fonts

ruhanbidart On

For me this vim config solved the problem:

g:Powerline_symbols = 'unicode'

In some cases it could also be needed:

set t_Co=256