Posting Time value to Universe database from .NET Entity Framework

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I have a C# application that receives JSON data and writes a model back to Universe. In a number of models, I need to separate DATE and TIME fields and write them back individually when the model is created.

NET Framework V4.6.1, U2.Data V2.2.2 NuGet package, U2NDK V2.2.2, Universe V11.2.5

I created the model in Universe using RocketU2:

@ID               TYPE          LOC          CONV    ...   DATA TYPE
Id                D             0                          CHAR(30)
AdjustmentDate    D             1            D4-           DATE
AdjustmentTime    D             2            MTS           TIME

My first reaction was to write this in the controller:

AdjustmentTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

And this in the C# app models:

public TimeSpan AdjustmentTime { get; set; }

This resulted in the error: "There is no store type corresponding to the EDM type 'Edm.Time' of primitive type 'Time'."

There were a number of questions regarding how to post time separately to a database. So I've tried those, and here is the result:


        public HttpResponseMessage PostProductAdjustment([FromBody] ProductAdjustmentCreate productAdjustmentCreate)
            ResponseCollectionMember _response = new ResponseCollectionMember();


                var id = productAdjustmentCreate.ProductId + "*" + productAdjustmentCreate.AdjustmentDate.ToString() + "*" + productAdjustmentCreate.AdjustmentTime.ToString();

                var productAdjustmentEntity = new ProductAdjustmentEntity()
                    Id = id,
                    AdjustmentDate = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    AdjustmentTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Ticks,


ProductAdjustmentEntity model:

public class ProductAdjustmentEntity : FileBase<string>
        public string ProductId { get; set; }
        public DateTime? AdjustmentDate { get; set; }
        public long AdjustmentTime { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan Time
            get { return TimeSpan.FromTicks(AdjustmentTime); }
            set { AdjustmentTime = value.Ticks; }

ProductAdjustmentCreate model:

public class ProductAdjustmentCreate
        public string ProductId { get; set; }
        public DateTime? AdjustmentDate { get; set; }
        public long AdjustmentTime { get; set; }
        public TimeSpan Time
            get { return TimeSpan.FromTicks(AdjustmentTime); }
            set { AdjustmentTime = value.Ticks; }

I get the same unsupported primitive type error for a different type: "There is no store type corresponding to the EDM type 'Edm.Int64' of primitive type 'Int64'."

I dug down into the U2.Data package and found that U2.Data.ClientTypes.Int64 and Time DO exist. The last thing I tried was creating a method that would cast my model creation values into the U2-accepted value:

public static U2Int64 ConvertToU2Int64(long time)
            U2Int64 u2Time = time;
            return u2Time;

But all this does is return null.

I just want this to work so I can test posting the model to Universe.

My questions for working through this process: Is there a simple way to do this? How would I get the primitive types to be recognized? How would I write a method to convert them that I could use throughout the app?


There are 2 answers

granadaCoder On

Generically, you are trying to find a datatype for a column (well, in RDBMS terms) that plays nice with the dotnet datatype.

Here is a MySql .. AS AN EXAMPLE.. of this kind of mapping.

After you find the magic have to tell EF to use it (instead of relying on defaults)

public class Blog
    public int BlogId { get; set; }

    [Column(TypeName = "varchar(200)")]
    public string Url { get; set; }

    [Column(TypeName = "decimal(5, 2)")]
    public decimal Rating { get; set; }

in the above, the attribute

[Column(TypeName = "varchar(200)")]

is overwriting any default......

I don't have any Rocket DB installed, so I cannot try anything concretely.

But maybe

[Column(TypeName = "MD2")]


[Column(TypeName = "MR2")]


If you prefer "fluent" for your ORM mappings, it would be "HasColumnType".

Van Amburg On

I have a static class I use to convert time values into the Pick time structure which is simply the number of seconds since midnight. When you call TIME() in Universe it returns a double.

The hard part in truth is determining when midnight is based on what kind of DateTime value you are working with. This is why I have two different versions to use DateTime and DateTimeOffset.

I also have a third method that recombines them.

public static class Time
    public static double GetPickTimeFromDateTime(DateTime dt)
        DateTime midnight = DateTime.Parse(dt.Date.ToString());
        TimeSpan ts = dt - midnight;
        return ts.TotalSeconds;
    public static double GetPickTimeFromDateTimeOffset(DateTimeOffset dt)
        DateTimeOffset midnight = DateTime.Parse(dt.Date.ToString());
        TimeSpan ts = dt - midnight;
        return ts.TotalSeconds;
    public static DateTime GetDateTimeDateAndPickTime(DateTime date, double pickTime)
        return date.AddSeconds(pickTime);