Posting on facebook page on behalf of another page

395 views Asked by At

Possible duplicate: FB Graph API: Posting as a page, to a different page

Problem Statement: I was trying to publish a post, say, from ABC page to XYZ page and ended up with this error:

(#200) Posts where the actor is a page cannot also include a target_id other than EVENT or GROUP

Note: I've an access_token of user's page (in this case: ABC).

What I've tried so far: I'm using facebook_sdk for python to initiate an API calls.

# access_token of page on behalf the post will be published
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)

response = graph.put_wall_post(
    profile_id=profile_id  # on which post will be published

which is equivalent to


manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions are already in the scopes to grant!

Question: Is there no way to solve this issue? or Am I missing something?!? Because it's possible to publish post to a page from another page using Facebook UI.

Hence, Graph API documentation doesn't contain any explicit info. about the same, If it's not possible!

Thanks for your time!


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