I am writing a simple plpgsql function to test an idea I have to use the information_schema.columns table to dynamically run metrics on various tables. The function works fine, but when I use info in the information_schema table to generate the table name to pass to my function, I get the error message in the title:
ERROR: function cannot execute on segment because it accesses relation "my_table"
Here is the simple function (a proof-of-principle):
create or replace function count_rows(table_name text, column_name text)
returns bigint as $$
n bigint;
execute 'select count(*) from (select ' || column_name || ' from ' || table_name || ') as t' into n;
return n;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
This query (and therefore the function) works fine:
select * from count_rows('my_table','my_column'); -- works correctly!
But this query using inputs from the information_schema.columns table fails with the error above:
select table_name, column_name, count_rows(table_name, column_name) as num_rows
from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'my_table'; -- doesnt work
What does this error message mean? Why can't it query the table listed in information_schema in this way?
use quote_ident(tablename) & quote_ident(columnname) instead of direct columnname and tablename, you should require access to all the tables