I'm having this erro when trying to insert a new record on database:
"Duplicate key value violates unique constraint"
This is my insert method:
using ( DataContext objDB = new DataContext() )
objDB.Set<T>().Add( item );
objDB.Entry( item ).State = EntityState.Added;
return item;
The table that I'm trying to insert is like this in EDMX modeling:
<EntityType Name="tb_functionality">
<PropertyRef Name="id" />
<Property Name="id" Type="int4" StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" Nullable="false" />
<Property Name="name" Type="varchar" MaxLength="100" Nullable="false" />
And the object that I'm trying to insert ('item') is like this on code:
ID=0 Name='Test'
What is wrong on my code? This works perfect when I'm using SQL Server, so in PostGre I have to chance anything on my model or insert method?
Thanks in advance for the help.