I'm currently encountering an issue regarding a BDR'd postgres database. Specifically, the maximum amount of databases allowed within a bdr cluster. According to the logs, I need to increase the value held by bdr.max_databases
running postgres=# ALTER SYSTEM SET bdr.max_databases = '64';
seems to fail with:
ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "bdr.max_databases"
I'm unable to find any documentation on this variable so I'm somewhat lost.
Is there a way to set the value of bdr.max_databases?
Postgre version: (PostgreSQL) 9.4.14
Original error:
2018-08-08 14:04:55 GMT d=db p=45359 a=bdr (6467878782116338286,1,33381,): perdb ERROR: Too many databases BDR-enabled for bdr.max_databases
2018-08-08 14:04:55 GMT d=db p=45359 a=bdr (6467878782116338286,1,33381,): perdb HINT: Increase bdr.max_databases above the current limit of 61
Have you tried setting it in postgresql.conf, rather than ALTER SYSTEM? I'm not sure that ALTER SYSTEM handles configuration parameters that are added by extensions.