Postgres decrypting differences between v9 and v12 (pgcrypto 1.1 vs 1.3)

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I'm forced to migrate an existing DB to AWS RDS. RDS's earliest version of Postgres is v12, while previously the database was running on v9.6 (with pgcrypto v1.1 extension).

I moved the data using pg_dump and pg_restore. Some of the data was encrypted, and some SQL functions were using rijndael_decrypt to decrypt that data, however this function is not available in pgcrypto v1.3 (which is the only version of the extension you can get in RDS psql12). Can I somehow decrypt the data using pgcrypto's decrypt function or anything else? Tried all availble algo/mode/padding combination for decrypt function, tried converting the key to bytea or using it as plain text, but all I'm getting is ERROR: decrypt error: Data not a multiple of block size.

EDIT: Adding function definition from the DB:

postgres=# select pg_get_functiondef(oid) from pg_proc where proname = 'rijndael_decrypt';
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.rijndael_decrypt(key text, input_text bytea)  +
  RETURNS text                                                                   +
  LANGUAGE c                                                                     +
  STRICT                                                                         +
 AS '/c_extensions/pg_rijndael/pg_rijndael', $function$rijndael_decrypt$function$+

There are 1 answers

Maimoona Abid On

Change the encryption and decryption methods to utilize PostgreSQL 12's pgp_sym_decrypt, which is available in pgcrypto 1.3. Make sure your application code has been adjusted appropriately and test the revised function.

Try this;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.decrypt_data(key text, encrypted_data bytea)
AS $$
  SELECT pgp_sym_decrypt(encrypted_data, key, 'cipher-algo=aes256');

Hope it's helpful :)