I am integrating Mpesa into my Laravel app. I have simulated a transaction where a user can make a payment successfully. After the payment I want the payment details to be stored in the database, through the callback URL. I have made an API route that calls the function which encodes and saves the data in the DB. I am using ngrok to tunnel my localhost to the callback URL. Whenever I execute the function in postman and successfully make the payment, I get an error on ngrok "POST /api/mpesa/callbackurl 502 Bad Gateway". I have researched and found it a server error but I have channeled the localhost well in ngrok..how can I fix this.
here is my stkpush function
public function stkpush(Request $request)
'TransactionType'=> "CustomerPayBillOnline",
'AccountReference'=>'Waweru Enterprises',
'TransactionDesc'=>'Paying for Products Bought'
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type:application/json','Authorization:Bearer '.$this->newaccesstoken()));
return $curl_response;
the callback url route in the api.php
Route::post('/mpesa/callbackurl', [MpesatransactionController::class,'mpesaresponse'])->name('mpesaresponse');
the mpesa response function
public function mpesaresponse(Request $request)
$transaction=new mpesatransaction;
You entered the wrong address on the ngrok terminal. You entered
ngrok http
as from the image uploaded.The correct syntax should be
ngrok http
without the:80