Position issue back button in Root UINavigationController

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I'm comming to you with a very weird issue I'm facing and I'm not able to solve.

Assuming I've this pattern in my app (which is pretty common)

                   ↗︎ UINavigationController (1)
UITabBarController → UINavigationController (2)
                   ↘︎ UINavigationController (3)

I'm facing an issue on launch with the very first UINavigationController stack (3) : the back button item goes under the iPhone time (in the iPhone X / XS / 11 ) notch.

Issue (right after launch)

First controller of UINavigationController enter image description here Second controller of UINavigationController enter image description here

If I change the initial tab (to (1) or (2) by example), the issue moves to this tab.

But the weirdest here, is that if I navigate into my app (i.e. go to another tab), and then come back, the issue have gone and the back button is at it right position

Expected behavior (after navigating)

Good position

Things I've tried

Changing collectionView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior don't help either. Changing contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior


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