Popup menu at the insertion point position in a wx.TextCtrl

1k views Asked by At

Does somebody knows how to create a custom context menu in a TextCtrl object using wxPython ?

For the moment, I could create a custom menu but this one appears at the mouse cursor position enter image description here, when the original one appears at the text cursor position enter image description herewhen hitting the [Menu] key enter image description here.


There are 1 answers



Could somehow do the trick but this works only

  1. when the font is monospaced (see the code below),
  2. when there is no tabulation character ("\t") in the focused line...

Simply: getting the position of the text cursor enter image description here into row/column coordinates and multiplying them by the character size. This gives the desired popup menu position.

import wx

# Test context menu that should be displayed at the insertion point position 
# in the TextCtrl object
class CustomMenu(wx.Menu):

    def __init__(self):

        # Add some items in the menu
        self.AppendItem(wx.MenuItem(self, wx.NewId(), 'This should be at the'))
        self.AppendItem(wx.MenuItem(self, wx.NewId(), 'insertion point'))
        self.AppendItem(wx.MenuItem(self, wx.NewId(), 'position...'))

# Text area from which to open the custom context menu
class TestTextCtrl(wx.TextCtrl):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)

        self.parent = parent

        # Set a monospaced font
        font = wx.Font(12, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)

        # Get the character size (width and height)
        self.pixelSize = font.GetPixelSize()

        # Display some text
        self.SetValue("[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n"
                      "[Ctrl] key = custom popup menu \n"
                      "[Menu] key = original context menu \n")

        # Activate the [Ctrl] key stroke detection (1/2)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyStroke)

    def OnKeyStroke(self, event):

        # Activate the [Ctrl] key stroke detection (2/2)
        if event.GetUnicodeKey() == wx.WXK_CONTROL:

            ##### Here is the interesting code ####

            # Get the scroll position in pixels
            scrollPosition = [

            # Get the text cursor position in the text area (int)
            insertionPointPosition = self.GetInsertionPoint()

            # Convert it into a row/column position (2D tuple)
            insertionPointRowColumnPosition = self.PositionToXY(insertionPointPosition)

            # Calculate the popup menu position in pixels
            insertionPointPositionInPixels = []
            for i in range(2):
            #       (  row/column position    +   offset   ) * size of character - position of scroll in pixels)
                    (insertionPointRowColumnPosition[i] + i) * self.pixelSize[i] - scrollPosition[i]

            # Convert the position into a wx.Point object
            popupMenuPoint = wx.Point(

            # Display the context menu at the given position
            self.PopupMenu(CustomMenu(), popupMenuPoint)

            ### We did it ! :) ###



# Test frame
class TestFrame(wx.Frame):

    def __init__(self):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None)

        # Create a text area

        # Display the window

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Create an application
    application = wx.App(False)

    # Create a frame

    # Launch the application

Update #1 -> Size of characters taken from font.GetPixelSize()

Update #2 -> Position of scrolling bar taken under account using self.GetScrollPos()