polymer test -l chrome: Could not request headers from https://download.microsoft.com

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I am following simple steps to run polymer test but I am facing issues (https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/tools/tests). There are few questions in stackoverflow not answered about similar issue.

Polymer Tests fail waiting for the driver server to start

Polymer2.0 - polymer testing is failing with error

Polymer Web Component Tester Unable to connect to selenium

In case it is relevant I am using Windows 7 and polymer 2.

When I run:

1 - polymer test -l chrome

Result in an error while tring to reach microsoft. Well, very strange since I specify only chrome

Error: Could not request headers from https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/
4/1/D417998A-58EE-4EFE-A7CC-39EF9E020768/MicrosoftWebDriver.exe: Error: getaddri
nfo ENOTFOUND download.microsoft.com download.microsoft.com:443

2 - polymer test --skip-selenium-install

\u00276.1\u0027, java.version: \u00271.8.0_172\u0027\nDriver info: driver.versi
on: unknown","error":"session not created"},"status":33}
   at C:\Users\D-CA69TO\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\polymer-cli\node_modul
   at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
   at fulfilled (C:\Users\D-CA69TO\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\polymer-cli
   at <anonymous>
   at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)

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