I have a component that loads an object from Firebase using firebase-document. Then that object is passed to a child component. When I change the object in the child component, the change is not detected in the parent, so the object is not updated in Firebase.
Here is the main component:
<dom-module id="some-component">
<firebase-document path="/projects/[[project_id]]" data="{{project}}"></firebase-document>
<some-child project="{{project}}"></some-child>
is: 'some-component',
properties: {
project: {type: Object, notify: true, observer: "projectChanged"}
projectChanged: function() {
console.log("we've detected some changes!");
And here is the child component:
<dom-module id="some-child">
<a on-tap="changeProject">Let's change some property on our project!</a>
is: 'some-child',
properties: {
project: {type: Object, notify: true}
changeProject: function() {
this.project.name = "A new name"; // this never propagates back to the parent component
The expected behavior is that when I click on the link, the object's property would change, it would be detected by the parent, and there would be a console.log. However it doesn't seem to happen.
Update with the solution
Using this.set() in the child component does the trick:
this.set("project.name", "A new name")
I think your issue here, is from the observer.
A simple observer like this only watch the reference of the object itself. You can use a deep observer instead like this
or for a more properties generic version
and it should work like this. Here is the link to the full documentation on the subject. https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/observers#observing-path-changes
To be perfect you can also change the classic way of setting the value by the polymer way, it ensure better detection by the framework, remplacing
It will help on complexe binding case, or heavy objects it seems.