I'm tinkering around with Polymer again and there is something I want to do but it doesn't work and the workaround looks so messy. I want to style an element but take advantage of Data Binding. Basically I try to do this:
<dom-module id="proto-element">
background: #e1e1e1;
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="bar" style$={{barStyle}}>I'm the bar! <b>{{test}}</b></div>
is: "proto-element",
ready: function() {
this.pixels = "300px";
this.test = "Fear me!"
The text bound to this.test works flawlessley. But the moustache tags that are inside of style get ignored. Is there a simple solution to this? Because using the inline style$= syntax is super messy when you are working with multiple css rules and also you always need to concatinate a string for it to work if the value you want is obtained elsewhere. Any ideas on a nice clean solution?
I'm afraid what you want is (at least currently) not possible. Data-binding works only inside <template> tags, either a <template is="auto-binding"> or the template inside a <dom-module>.
In the <style> tag, data-binding simply won't work. You could try putting another <style> tag INSIDE the <template> tag (which is messy), but you still won't get the data-bound property to work, since the curly brackets {{...}} must be inside an individual tag and can't be (currently) surrounded by whitespaces (spaces, newlines, ...), see docs:
tl;dr: There are two issues that prevent you from achieving what you want: 1) Data-binding only works inside a template tag and 2) if you want to print out data-bound properties, they must be enclosed inside a html tag.
You could try a different approach:
this.$ allows you to easily access any DOM element with an id attribute (for example your #wrapper, which is accessed as this.$.wrapper) and from there, you can set any other attribute of the element (this.$.wrapper.style.width in this case).
EDIT: Also, I just noticed that you've actually put <style> tag inside the <template>, which is not advised. Since Polymer 0.8, this is the recommended structure for a custom element:
Check out the Overview and Migration guide.
EDIT 2: As of Polymer 1.1 the suggested element structure (as pointed out by Max Waterman) has been updated to: