I am having some trouble setting up my data for some point pattern analysis.
What I want to do: conduct a point pattern analysis on NYC arrest data and see if there exists a spatial dependence between arrests and Covid-19 cases.
What I've done so far: downloaded data in the form of shapefiles
https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Borough-Boundaries/tqmj-j8zm (the ZIP code boundaries)
https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/crime-statistics/citywide-crime-stats.page (year to date data for arrests in NYC by zip code)
library(rgdal) #Brings Spatial Data in R
library(spatstat) # Spatial Statistics
library(lattice) #Graphing
# Load nyc zip code boundary polygon shapefile
s <- readOGR("/Users/my_name/Documents/fproject/zip","zip")
nyc <- as(s,"owin")
### OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
Source: "/Users/my_name/Documents/project/zip", layer: "zip"
with 263 features
# Load nyc arrests point feature shapefile
> s <- readOGR("/Users/my_name/Documents/project/nycarrests/","geo1")
### OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
Source: "/Users/my_name/Documents/project/nycarrests", layer: "geo1"
with 103376 features
It has 19 fields
#Converting the dataset into a point pattern
arrests <- as(s,"ppp”)
### Error in as.ppp.SpatialPointsDataFrame(from) :
Only projected coordinates may be converted to spatstat class objects
This gave me the error above.
I know the error has to do with the coordinates not being in the cartesian coordinates. So my question is:
How can I convert my sp object to have (projected) cartesian coordinates in order to convert it to a point pattern (poisson point process)?
You are looking for
.Here is some example data