pnpm: module not found

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i have installed pnpm package globally using command 'npm install -g pnpm', after running this command on my terminal it shows installed. but when i check its version using 'pnpm -v' it doesn't shows 'pnpm: zsh module not found' basically it shows that module isn't installed. what should i do. also kindly tell me solution for macos

i have tried troubleshooting itchatgpt solution. also tried using the below solution, but couldn't implement it properly To resolve the permission issue on macOS without using sudo, you can follow the third option I mentioned earlier, which involves changing the global npm prefix to a directory that you have write access to. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Create a directory for global npm packages in your home directory (if it doesn't already exist):

    Open your terminal and run the following command to create the directory:

    mkdir ~/.npm-global
  2. Configure npm to use the new directory as the global prefix:

    Run the following command to configure npm to use the ~/.npm-global directory as the global prefix:

    npm config set prefix ~/.npm-global
  3. Add the directory to your PATH:

    Open your shell profile file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.profile) in a text editor. You can use the nano command or any text editor you prefer. For example, to edit the ~/.zshrc file, you can run:

    nano ~/.zshrc

    Add the following line at the end of the file:

    export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH

    Save and exit the text editor.

  4. Source your shell profile or restart your terminal:

    To apply the changes to your current terminal session, source your shell profile:

    source ~/.zshrc  # or your specific profile file

    Alternatively, you can restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.

  5. Install pnpm globally:

    You should now be able to install pnpm globally without using sudo:

    npm install -g pnpm

This approach will allow you to install global npm packages without needing elevated permissions, and it's a safer alternative to using sudo for global installs on macOS.

after the 3rd step


There are 1 answers

Zoltan Kochan On

I am not sure why npm i -g pnpm did not work but there are plenty of other ways to install pnpm. The easiest one is running corepack enable, which will make pnpm (and Yarn) available in your terminal.