pmap bounds error: parallel julia

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I get a bounds error when running a function in parallel that runs fine normally (sequentially) e.g. when I run:

parallelsol = @time pmap(i -> findividual(x,y,z), 1:50)

It gives me an error:

exception on 2: exception on exception on 16: 20exception on 5: : ERROR: BoundsError() in getindex at array.jl:246 (repeats 2 times)

But when I run:

parallelsol = @time map(i -> findividual(prodexcint,firstrun,q,r,unempinc,VUnempperm,Indunempperm,i,VUnemp,poachedwagevec, mw,k,Vp,Vnp,reswage), 1:50)

It runs fine. Any ideas as to why this might be happening?


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