Plugin based development core internal architecture in java

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I have found below styles for developing plugin


Working Style:Lookup in META-INF/services and get injected service

Provide Abstract class to other implementor

Working Style:Load a required class from a jar file and getinstance .

Provide a interface to other implementor

3: Load from property file

InputStream in =this.getClass().getClassLoader()

Working Style 3: Load class name from property file which implements the provided interface

Provide a interface to other implementor

Sample code for 3

public interface PluginInterface {
    void performYourOperation();

public class PluginImpl implements PluginInterface {

    void performYourOperation() {
        //perform all operation what plugin is inteneded to do 

    Main Loader:

     InputStream in =this.getClass().getClassLoader()
    configProp.load(in );
            String factoryClass = (String) configProp
            Class<?> factory = Class.forName(factoryClass);
            PluginInterface factory=(PluginInterface) factory.newInstance();


I have found 3 ways for own plugin implementation style .

Is there any other ways besides above mentioned one .

Is maven and jenkins and other its core level has the same style Or They have some more advance way ? Do any one have good idea for it.

Please dont suggest to use this framework and that , i want to learn and understand the core internal working style.Thank You


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