I'm trying to create a series of boxplots showing a distribution of date values. I compute the quantiles using data.table
, then I feed them to ggplot
to be plotted. When I try to plot them, however, I get an error that says "Error: '/' not defined for "POSIXt" objects".
Here's a reproducible example using data from lubridate
# Load data from the lubridate library
# create POSIX date variable
lakers <- within(lakers, posix.date <- ymd(date))
lakers <- data.table(lakers, key = "player")
# Calculate quantiles of dates by player
# follows post at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14758566/how-can-i-use-functions-returning-vectors-like-fivenum-with-ddply-or-aggregate
Tukeys.five <- c("Min","Q1","Med","Q3","Max")
plot.stats <- lakers[
{quant <- as.list(quantile(posix.date, prob = seq(0,1, by = 0.25),
names = F))
setattr(quant, 'names', Tukeys.five)
by = player
# Now attempt to plot this with ggplot
ggplot(plot.stats, aes(x = player, ymin = Min, lower = Q1, middle = Med,
upper = Q3, max = Max, group = player)) +
geom_boxplot(stat = "identity") + coord_flip()
# Error: '/' not defined for "POSIXt" objects
# In addition: Warning message:
# In loop_apply(n, do.ply) :
# position_dodge requires constant width: output may be incorrect
Any ideas why I would be getting this error, or how to fix it? I tried converting the dates to numeric values, and that plots correctly, but then the axis only shows the numeric values instead of the dates.
It looks like the code for geom_boxplot does division to try to calculate box widths. As far as I can tell that branch seem unavoidable. A hack-y workaround would be to actually define division for date time values.
Running this before your code seems to produce the requested plot. Testing with