Plotting polygons with geopandas and geoplot [Python]

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I am having some issues plotting a simple polygon geometry. The polygons will not plot with geoplot.

Example of the dataset (maps) I am working with:

ID City geometry
0 Praha POLYGON ((-736538.020 -1053708.250, -736549.28...
1 Benešov POLYGON ((-746500.570 -1072617.070, -746491.68...
2 Beroun POLYGON ((-760901.670 -1049328.700, -760920.06...
3 Kladno POLYGON ((-776276.650 -1024382.940, -776275.03...
4 Kolín POLYGON ((-675684.020 -1058939.760, -675695.90...


maps = gpd.read_file("Maps/OKRESY_P.shp")

I suspect there is some super trivial solution, like the geometry format... The shp file is from an official source.


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