I would like to plot some candlestick data onto a chart. The problem i'm having is finding a library that allows me to specify the color of each candle on a per candle basis.
Alot of libraries allow me to set 2 colors, for the bullish/bearish candles.. but I want to actually specify the candle color per row.
If anyone could point me in the direction of any library that allows me todo that. I would be most appreciative. I don't understand why it's so hard.
I have checked plot.ly, matplotlib, bokeh.. all with no luck (unless I am blind!)
I also posted here 9 days ago without any luck; https://community.plot.ly/t/individual-candlestick-colors/2959
This is fairly trivial to accomplish with Bokeh. Bokeh's model for glyphs is very consistent: every visual property (including colors) can be vectorized. If you want all your
glyphs (that you would use to draw candlesticks with) to each have a different color, just pass a list or array of the different colors you want.