I am having trouble controlling text size within plotly.express figures.
If I create some fake data like so, it appears to work.
df = pd.DataFrame({
fig = px.bar(df, x='x',y='y', text='text', barmode="group", color='type')
fig.update_traces(textposition='outside', textfont_size=3000000, textangle=90, cliponaxis=False)
Note that I'm setting the textfont_size
ridiculously large, but we can see this actually reflected in the figure.
The problem
However, when I use my real data. The text size is simply small, despite the very large textfont_size
. I can not share my real data here, but the dtypes
are identical to the example shown above.
# my real data
data = ... # can't share
assert all(data.dtypes == df.dtypes) # not a problem, all identical
x object
y int64
type object
text object
dtype: object
# identical code as above
fig = px.bar(data, x='x',y='y', text='text', barmode="group", color='type')
fig.update_traces(textposition='outside', textfont_size=3000000, textangle=90, cliponaxis=False)
As we can see, while everything appears (?) identical, the large textfont_size
is ignored and instead the text is small.