plot a 3d surface in R

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I have this kind of graph


enter image description here where it is shown the correlation between x and y. I'd like to plot this data in a 3D surface, so something like that: enter image description here

Here my data:

x <- c(2.94, 2.97, 2.91, 3.03, 2.93, 2.91, 3.14, 3.02, 2.84, 3.33, 2.8, 2.97, 2.83, 3.04, 2.9, 2.79, 2.89, 2.96, 2.92, 2.79, 3.08, 3.1, 3, 2.82, 3.31, 2.94, 3.07, 2.79, 3, 2.98, 2.93, 2.92, 2.9, 2.94, 2.91, 2.96, 2.9, 3.16, 3.01, 2.84, 3.01, 3.17, 3.51, 2.92, 3, 3.03, 2.84, 3.02, 2.81, 2.93, 2.95, 2.91, 3.15, 2.95, 2.96, 3.07, 3.01, 2.8, 3.17, 3.02, 2.92, 3.03, 2.92, 2.97, 3.08, 3.11, 3.05, 2.94, 2.93, 2.9, 2.91, 2.84, 3, 3.17, 3.17, 2.92, 3.02, 2.89, 2.97, 3.07, 3.29, 2.98, 2.88, 2.91, 3.1, 2.93, 3.01, 3.04, 3, 2.89, 3.06, 3.06, 3.01, 3.1, 2.81, 2.87, 3.21, 2.91, 3.04, 2.97, 3, 2.99, 2.79, 2.88, 3.09, 2.95, 3.07, 2.88, 2.99, 2.97, 3.15, 2.85, 3.69, 2.89, 3.01, 3.01, 3.11, 2.75, 2.81, 3, 2.93, 2.84, 3.09, 2.86, 3.01, 3.29, 2.95, 3.13, 3.11, 2.8, 3.02, 3.38, 3.07, 2.82, 3.36, 2.84, 2.86, 3.04, 2.96, 2.94, 3.1, 2.77, 3.83, 3, 3.05, 3.14, 2.79, 2.99, 3.11, 2.88, 2.89, 2.98, 2.99, 3.01, 3.1, 2.72, 2.92, 2.84, 2.87, 2.82, 3.01, 3.05, 2.94, 2.79, 3.02, 3.02, 2.85, 2.91, 3, 2.86, 2.82, 2.89, 3.13, 3.03, 2.78, 3.79, 3.1, 3.05, 3.21, 2.9, 2.92, 3.17, 3.23, 3.13, 3.15, 2.86, 3.03, 3.03, 2.94, 3.05, 3.05, 2.84, 3.02, 3.55, 3.1, 3.14, 2.92, 3.22, 3.08, 2.87, 2.89, 2.92, 3.08, 2.99, 2.92, 2.9, 2.83, 2.92, 3.44, 3.1, 2.89, 2.84, 2.96, 2.92, 3.25, 3.04, 3.16, 3.04, 3.04, 2.84, 2.92, 2.83, 3.5, 2.86, 2.98, 2.81, 3.38, 2.93, 2.89, 2.84, 2.98, 2.82, 2.91, 3.1, 3.1, 3.05, 3.05, 2.98, 3.3, 2.8, 3.03, 3.03, 2.87, 3.18, 3.05, 3.94, 2.95, 2.87, 2.75, 2.89, 3.16, 2.87, 2.97, 3.05, 2.83, 3.03, 2.83, 2.97, 2.79, 2.73, 3.75, 3.13, 3.1, 3.06, 3.19, 2.91, 2.99, 3.64, 2.99, 2.95, 3.04, 3.01, 2.82, 3.32, 2.79, 2.87, 3.01, 2.86, 2.91, 2.99, 3.33, 2.78, 3.02, 2.86, 3.03, 3.94, 2.86, 2.83, 3, 2.99, 2.77, 3.07, 2.97, 2.93, 2.88, 2.97, 3.05, 2.89, 2.98, 2.83, 2.97, 2.88, 3.03, 2.96, 3.27, 2.91, 2.8, 2.87, 2.8, 3.05, 3.04, 2.8, 2.78, 2.98, 3.14, 2.79, 3.01, 3.38, 3.07, 3.33, 3.46, 2.88, 2.86, 2.92, 2.98, 2.83, 3.48, 3.68, 3.66, 3.44, 2.83, 2.98, 2.99, 2.88, 2.88, 3.32, 2.94, 2.9, 3.15, 2.94, 3.44, 2.97, 2.87, 3.01, 2.85, 2.96, 2.92, 3, 3.1, 3, 3.05, 3.13, 3.15, 2.95, 3.01, 2.95, 3.62, 3.34, 3.04, 2.89, 3, 3, 2.95, 3.02, 2.94, 4.03, 2.85, 3.56, 2.95, 3.07, 3.45, 3, 3.03, 2.88, 3, 2.9, 3.04, 2.92, 2.95, 2.87, 2.99, 3.03, 3.28, 2.99, 2.78, 3.04, 3.17, 2.94, 3.04, 2.96, 3.08, 2.98, 3.15, 2.9, 2.85, 2.79, 3.01, 3.1, 2.9, 2.77, 3.4, 2.84, 3.03, 2.95, 3.64, 3.05, 2.86, 3.16, 3.19, 3.86, 2.85, 2.97, 2.89, 2.99, 3.15, 3.09, 2.94, 2.89, 2.79, 2.95, 3.13, 3.14, 2.92, 2.89, 3.66, 2.81, 3.18, 2.94, 3.49, 2.95, 2.88, 2.9, 3.56, 2.96, 2.87, 3.1, 2.93, 2.83, 2.4, 2.8, 3.11, 2.8, 3.01, 3.3, 2.78, 3.02, 2.83, 2.76, 2.98, 3.12, 2.74, 2.9, 2.98, 3.02, 2.87, 2.79, 3.26, 3.1, 3, 2.95, 2.9, 2.86, 2.92, 3.17, 2.84, 3.06, 3.05, 3.19, 3.26, 3.03, 2.81, 2.84, 2.96, 3, 3.04, 3.17, 2.9, 2.97, 2.88, 3.35, 3.5, 3.03, 2.96, 2.91, 2.95, 2.73, 2.83, 2.92, 2.95, 2.92, 2.71, 2.92, 3.31, 2.92, 2.96, 3.14, 3.59, 2.9, 3.32, 3.09)

y <- c(124.85, 101.74, 120.55, 118.25, 113.5, 117.44, 124.18, 129.54, 103.87, 129.95, 108.09, 125.37, 107.32, 124.53, 107.38, 108.77, 106.06, 122.41, 114.06, 101.56, 122.89, 123.57, 125.51, 109.86, 131.72, 123.38, 125.91, 113.78, 120.41, 119.65, 120, 111.72, 108.43, 119.34, 111.78, 112.81, 118.88, 117.14, 124.69, 109.52, 125.96, 103.46, 148.63, 124.85, 118.46, 128.8, 111.39, 118.69, 112.42, 120.57, 104.94, 115.02, 121.54, 114.46, 121.63, 127.67, 123.22, 114.01, 129.18, 119.88, 120.36, 120.76, 102.62, 111.06, 122.05, 114.71, 127.26, 125.73, 117.37, 115.31, 114.14, 101.55, 117.03, 133.01, 124.92, 118.63, 122.2, 118.39, 120.03, 120.68, 122.39, 123.22, 117.62, 113.71, 125.11, 120.36, 120.11, 126.24, 118.28, 115.88, 130.6, 124.52, 107.59, 118.55, 103.34, 120.34, 126.63, 104.71, 119.43, 118.91, 118.94, 122.87, 102.63, 112.88, 121.92, 122.31, 109.42, 110.85, 112.54, 117.08, 132.16, 107.13, 107.63, 110.36, 119.72, 122, 128.7, 111.38, 108.77, 121.7, 116.44, 113.75, 124.86, 107.14, 113.78, 133.87, 115.98, 131.15, 113.76, 107.77, 125.59, 116.17, 123.33, 109.91, 125.39, 109.16, 104.48, 117.72, 112.53, 84.4, 120.44, 92.59, 132.08, 119.96, 124.51, 134.56, 110.28, 122.99, 128.65, 123.33, 121.97, 119.89, 116.22, 120.41, 130.69, 97.34, 117.1, 115.2, 117.31, 102.84, 128.42, 122.89, 127.83, 105.85, 121.79, 117.39, 113.14, 116.91, 119.62, 115.34, 118.15, 118.55, 124.39, 124.55, 101.69, 106.25, 122.77, 120.49, 129.15, 127.06, 118.89, 125.05, 129.19, 121.89, 121.48, 99.49, 124.92, 118.89, 116.32, 125.59, 123.55, 105.17, 125.42, 107.64, 123.91, 125.9, 121.95, 124.16, 127.92, 117.47, 116.13, 114.78, 114.62, 123.07, 116.89, 105.84, 109.81, 123.27, 141.14, 126.05, 117.73, 113.18, 123.85, 115.25, 137.36, 121.95, 122.97, 123.55, 120.1, 104.15, 118.79, 108.37, 137, 113.28, 121.64, 104.41, 100.38, 108.85, 115.27, 101.77, 99.28, 105.81, 119.2, 111.01, 125.95, 121.67, 126.79, 121.26, 121.88, 111.03, 119.82, 123.93, 113.2, 133.49, 123.21, 134.39, 118.29, 114.87, 103.6, 110.13, 126.2, 114.74, 121.29, 126.37, 114.36, 128.26, 106.23, 121.49, 101.88, 102.97, 137.83, 129.41, 112.92, 127.03, 128.74, 107.74, 125.19, 106.18, 124.15, 123.41, 124.56, 121.84, 109.04, 115.48, 109.7, 104.62, 116.56, 107.43, 115.69, 124.08, 118.58, 103.84, 124.08, 108.61, 122.31, 135.35, 105.27, 110.7, 125.7, 119.08, 111.51, 130.97, 116.94, 122.07, 113.99, 115.95, 122.85, 111.19, 121.75, 111.75, 117.83, 110.69, 111.5, 126.57, 131.58, 119.19, 108.75, 108.7, 105.36, 120.57, 125.49, 104.8, 108.36, 126.02, 133.16, 110.92, 121.36, 95.67, 126.28, 135.09, 107.4, 111.54, 112.4, 115.56, 118.92, 108.42, 131.21, 136.66, 130.08, 126.17, 110.41, 114.5, 121.48, 119.72, 112.56, 151.05, 114.1, 113.34, 129.38, 121.06, 137.82, 120.31, 115.5, 127.41, 105.95, 112.37, 121.87, 117.24, 125.08, 103.71, 127.93, 139.34, 124.31, 120.41, 116.94, 117.34, 138.18, 112.99, 122.57, 112.89, 101.68, 119.67, 117.25, 123.83, 119.78, 117.72, 113.24, 97.66, 119.22, 125.76, 119.33, 109.15, 130.83, 114.83, 119.37, 115.88, 116.39, 123.71, 119.75, 105.04, 126.48, 122.04, 96.17, 121.19, 107.3, 123.61, 127.35, 112.96, 122.81, 118.63, 127.47, 122.44, 130.99, 114.73, 113.67, 112.25, 124.99, 124.12, 111.79, 100.65, 134.32, 114.88, 123.69, 116.58, 100.2, 119.72, 110.89, 95.61, 130.53, 134.92, 107.92, 116, 115.36, 114.59, 128.64, 124.01, 122.53, 109.97, 99.16, 117.63, 132.35, 115.74, 115.85, 110.51, 109.81, 112.09, 127.93, 116.72, 99.05, 113.51, 108.74, 105.35, 136.62, 113.67, 114.38, 130.61, 114.46, 111.3, 99.47, 106.7, 124.22, 106.95, 121.38, 131.68, 105.73, 114.37, 111.72, 109.45, 126.34, 127.45, 105.86, 119.69, 119.6, 124.16, 109.66, 102.23, 111.24, 111.39, 106.12, 126.03, 107.79, 113.43, 105.7, 140.79, 104.24, 116.63, 119.95, 110.05, 122.24, 117.08, 109.72, 111.24, 114.46, 114.1, 130.48, 117.25, 109.69, 121.79, 113.68, 128.34, 137.2, 116.43, 122.59, 122.8, 114, 107.43, 108.38, 115.43, 110.72, 122.44, 107.39, 116.82, 135.53, 123.22, 118.87, 110.98, 140.92, 102.6, 132.94, 128.68)

Is there a dedicated R package? How I can do?


There are 3 answers

Allan Cameron On BEST ANSWER

I'm guessing that you are looking for 2D density of the x, y points. In which case, you could do:

persp(MASS::kde2d(x, y, n = 100), 
      col = 'orangered', 
      border = 'red4', 
      expand = 0.5, 
      phi = 30, 
      xlab = 'x',
      zlab = '2D density')

enter image description here

53RT On

Your desired plot looks like the visualized 2d kernel density.

You can achieve this with your data with the following two lines.

p <- MASS::kde2d(x = x, y = y)

which produces the following plot. To add colors, perspective angle and so you need to adapt the persp() call.

enter image description here

user2554330 On

As others have said, you can plot a kernel density estimate using graphics::persp(). For somewhat more flexibility, you could use the rgl::persp3d() function which is more or less a drop in replacement for persp(), or plot3D::persp3D() which needs a little bit more work, but has a lot of extras added.