I have a dataframe of two columuns, rappresenting, respectively my "x" and "y" coordinates.
I want plot them in a 2D-kernel density plot. I have 91 points.
Therefore I have used this script:
x<-read.csv("X_Y.csv", sep=",")
dens <- kde2d(Dgeo,Dgen, n=?, lims=c(?,?,?,?))
myPal <- colorRampPalette(c("white","blue","gold", "orange", "red"))
plot(Dgeo, Dgen, pch=20,cex=.5)
image(dens, col=transp(myPal(300),.7), add=TRUE)
I don't understand how I can estimate the values that I have indicated as "?".
Do you any idea?
In the picture is shown what I would like to obtain and on the right what actually I obtain using n=91 and lims=c(-.1, 1.5,-.5,4).
You could simply do
Not sure where
function is for color