I am trying to automate the process of adding extra storage in a linux machine. I'm using plink
in PowerShell installed on my Windows machine.
Below is the code:
$plinkpath = "C:\Users\mydrive\Modules\plink.exe"
if (Test-Path $plinkpath) {
Set-Alias plink $plinkpath
} else {
throw "Plink.exe is reqruied"
$passw = "linuxadmin$123"
$commands = @(
"sudo su;",
"pvcreate /dev/sde;",
"vgcreate test_vog /dev/sde",
"lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n test_lev test_vog;",
"mkfs.ext3 /dev/test_vog/test_lev;",
"mkdir /azurenew;",
"echo ""/dev/test_vog/test_lev /azurenew/ ext3 defaults 1 1"" >> /etc/fstab;",
"mount /azurenew/;"
Approach 1: Using .ppk file
plink -ssh -i "C:\Users\amurthy\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\sshprivate.ppk" [email protected] $commands
In the above situation PowerShell hangs and no response on the console. Not sure what's happening.
Approach 2: using direct log in
plink -P "22" -v "[email protected]" -pw "linuxadmin$123" $commands
Here, I get below response on console
Using username "linuxadmin". Sent password Password authentication failed
I do not understand why the passoword authentication failed though I am able to login using putty.exe with that password.
Can anyone please help me here to solve my above automation problem? If you have any better solution altogether really welcome.
The password login attempt fails because you defined the password in a double-quoted string. PowerShell tries to expand the (undefined) variable
, so you're actually passing justlinuxadmin
as the password. You could use a single-quoted string to avoid this, but public key authentication (your first approach) is the better approach anyway, so I recommend sticking with that.I'm not sure why your first approach causes the console to hang, though. If the key were password-protected you should be prompted for the password. There's a semicolon missing at the end of
"vgcreate test_vog /dev/sde"
, but if that caused an issue I'd expect to see an error message.Try running
with the parameter-v
(verbose messages) to get a better picture of what's going on.