I'm actually developing a project that read data from 19 PLCs Siemens S1500 and 1 modicon. I have used the scraper tool following this tutorial:
but when the scraper is working for a little amount of time I get the following exception:
I have changed the scheduled time between 1 to 100 and I always get the same exception when the scraper reach the same number of received messages.
I have tested if using PlcDriverManager instead of PooledPlcDriverManager could be a solution but the same problem persists.
In my pom.xml I use the following dependency:
I have tried to change the version to an older one like 0.6.0 or 0.5.0 but the problem still persists.
If I use the modicon (Modbus TCP) I also get this exception after a little amount of time.
Anyone knows why is happening this error? Thanks in advance.
Edit: With the scraper version 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT I continue having this problem.
Edit2: This is my code, I think the problem can be that in my scraper I am opening a lot of connections and when it reaches 65526 messages it fails. But since all the processing is happenning inside the lambda function and I'm using a PooledPlcDriverManager, I think the scraper is using only one connection so I dont know where is the mistake.
try {
// Create a new PooledPlcDriverManager
PlcDriverManager S7_plcDriverManager = new PooledPlcDriverManager();
// Trigger Collector
TriggerCollector S7_triggerCollector = new TriggerCollectorImpl(S7_plcDriverManager);
// Messages counter
AtomicInteger messagesCounter = new AtomicInteger();
// Configure the scraper, by binding a Scraper Configuration, a ResultHandler and a TriggerCollector together
TriggeredScraperImpl S7_scraper = new TriggeredScraperImpl(S7_scraperConfig, (jobName, sourceName, results) -> {
LinkedList<Object> S7_results = new LinkedList<>();
logger.info("Array: " + String.valueOf(S7_results));
logger.info("MESSAGE number: " + messagesCounter);
// Producer topics routing
String topic = "s7" + S7_results.get(1).toString().substring(S7_results.get(1).toString().indexOf("S7_SourcePLC") + 9 , S7_results.get(1).toString().length());
String key = parseKey_S7("s7");
String value = parseValue_S7(S7_results.getLast().toString(),S7_results.get(1).toString());
logger.info("------- PARSED VALUE -------------------------------- " + value);
// Create my own Kafka Producer
ProducerRecord<String, String> record = new ProducerRecord<String, String>(topic, key, value);
// Send Data to Kafka - asynchronous
producer.send(record, new Callback() {
public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata recordMetadata, Exception e) {
// executes every time a record is successfully sent or an exception is thrown
if (e == null) {
// the record was successfully sent
logger.info("Received new metadata. \n" +
"Topic:" + recordMetadata.topic() + "\n" +
"Partition: " + recordMetadata.partition() + "\n" +
"Offset: " + recordMetadata.offset() + "\n" +
"Timestamp: " + recordMetadata.timestamp());
} else {
logger.error("Error while producing", e);
}, S7_triggerCollector);
} catch (ScraperException e) {
logger.error("Error starting the scraper (S7_scrapper)", e);
So in the end indeed it was the PLC that was simply hanging up the connection randomly. However the NiFi integration should have handled this situation more gracefully. I implemented a fix for this particular error ... could you please give version 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT a try (or use 0.8.0 if we happen to have released it already)