PlayFramework Scala Test - Get instance of a class via dependency injector

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I am using Scala Test for testing my service layer. I am struggling to getinstance of service class in my test. My test class is as below

class SmsServiceSpec extends BaseSpec with OneAppPerSuite with ScalaFutures {

implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication = FakeApplication()

"SMS Service" must {
   "able to send SMS" in {

    val smsService =  //not sure how to get instance of class here => app.injector.getInstance[SmsService]

    whenReady(smsService.sendSms("9XXXXXXX", "This is test message")) { res =>
      res mustBe true

Edited Code, as per @easel

class SmsServiceSpec extends BaseSpec with OneAppPerSuite with ScalaFutures {

 "SMS Service" must {
"able to send SMS" in {

  @Inject val smsService: SmsService = null //not sure how to get instance of class here => app.injector.getInstance[SmsService]

  whenReady(smsService.sendSms("98XXXXXX", "This is test message")) { res =>
    res mustBe true


I am not sure how to get instance of SMS service in the above code.



There are 1 answers

Luong Ba Linh On

You can use Guice for dependency injection. It is a good practice to abstract services at compilation time and specify a binding between services abstractions and their implementations at run time.

For example,

class SmsServiceImpl extends SmsService


This,, is a simple but standard application using Play 2.4.2, ReactiveMongo, and Guice (for dependency injection).