Play through pinned elements in superscrollorama

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I am building a Parallax website using SuperScrollorama which have some animation frame by frame using jquery and css3...

But after ending up doing so i am stuck in a problem, i am trying to navigate the pages using some scroll plugin...

I have tried Basic jquery using scrollTop event, using Jquery ScrollTo and using Tween Lite ScrollTo plugin to navigate through pages but nothing seems to work...

The issue i get after goggling it is if pages are pinned together as position:fixed; and pages doesnot scroll to that position and stuck between...

With Jquery ScrollTo, my code:-

$('.menus a').click(function(e){
    $.scrollTo(this.hash, 2000, {

With basic scrollTop jquery, my code:-

    var $anchor = $(this);

    $('html, body').stop().animate({
        scrollTop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top
    }, 1500,'easeInOutExpo');


Currently my code works like this:-

As you can see in my demo, the scroll stuck between before reaching the exact position through hash...

What is the solution if i have to play through the pinned elements in Superscrollorama?


There are 3 answers

svassr On

You'll have to do 2 animations : one to reach the ancher offset and then, after superscrollorama added new element for animation and recalculate the document height, do the second animation to reach the correct key frame on that page (that you fixed at offset 3000 of that section).

    var hashes = [];

    $('.menus a').each(function(){
    console.log('hashes:', hashes);

    $('.menus a').click(function(e){
        var h = this.hash;
        var pageTop = $(h).offset()['top'];

        $.scrollTo( pageTop+1, 2000, {
                    console.log('hashes:', hashes);
                    var id = hashes.indexOf(h);
                    console.log('hashes['+(id+1)+']=', hashes[(id+1)]);
                    var nextPageTop = $(hashes[id+1]).offset()['top'];
                    console.log('nextPageTop=', nextPageTop);
                    var keyOffset = pageTop + 3000;

                    if(keyOffset < nextPageTop ){
                        $.scrollTo( keyOffset, 2000, {

Note that each section offset changes constantly so, before launching the second animation, we have to test that we are not scrolling till the next section again. We also need a little delay here to let superscrollorama make its sauce before testing respective offsets (saddly it doesn't seem to provide an event to do so).

James On

I have had a similar issue and found that janpaepke on the superscrollorama project added an additional toggle to make this easier.

You can manually add the spacers so you don't need to make adjustments by setting the pushFollowers flag in your pin to false.

Example JS$('#pin-id'), 200, {
    anim: new TimelineLite().append([TweenMax.fromTo( $('#pin-id'), 2, {css:{opacity: 1}}, {css:{opacity: 0}})]),
    offset: 0,
    pushFollowers: false

Example HTML

<div id="pin-id">

Bunch of Content

<div style="padding-top: 200px"></div>
Adam On

I had the same issue as you. Here's how I went about fixing it....

First of all we know that Superscrollorama adds a spacer pin before your element, it sets the height of the element which defines how long the user has to scroll through a section (the duration)....So in theory all we have to do is add up all the pin heights that happen BEFORE the element you want to scroll to and then offset from the top of that element...

What I did was....

Find out what element you want to scroll to. Check how many supersrollorama-pin-spacers there are before that pin, work out the heights of all of the pins and then offset it to your initial scrollTo function.

pin = $('#pin-id').prev(); //find the spacer pin
prevPin = pin.prevAll('.superscrollorama-pin-spacer'); //find all the pins before this
heights = []; //create an array to store the pin heights

$.each(prevPin, function( index, value ) {

    value = $(this).attr('height'); //get each height
    heights.push(value);   // push it to array


//use eval to join all the heights together
heights = eval(heights.join("+")); 

Now we have the height so lets scroll to it.....$('html,body'),1, { scrollTop:heights, });

Good Luck! I hope this helps you.