I am working on Roku app using Scene Graph component. I want to play multiple ads using RAF but it playing only one ad at a time. Please provide suggestion to resolve it. Here the ads feed URL
I am working on Roku app using Scene Graph component. I want to play multiple ads using RAF but it playing only one ad at a time. Please provide suggestion to resolve it. Here the ads feed URL
If you are using RokuCo's default ad server (as shown in https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/Integrating+the+Roku+Advertising+Framework#IntegratingtheRokuAdvertisingFramework-GettingStarted ), you'll be getting only one pod per request.
If you want to show >1 per break, i can think of two options:
twice and manually stitch inadPods
before showing them with a single.showAds(adPods)
callPS. see also https://forums.roku.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=98231 - possible continuation on the subject