Play Login not catching CSRF token

322 views Asked by At

I'm doing some simple login validation on my Play! 2.6 framework web app, and it seems to not pick up the CSRF token that I include on the view.loginForm:

@import helper.CSRF

@(loginform: Form[UserLoginData])(implicit messages: MessagesProvider, request: RequestHeader)

@main() {
        <div class="row">
            <form method="post" class="col-md-6" id="loginform" autocomplete="on">
            <input type="text id="userName">
             <!-- other inputs and submit button-->

and then my conf.routes handles the POST'ing by:

POST /login controllers.LoginRegController.attemptLogin

And here's the method in the LoginRegController :

def attemptLogin() = Action {
        implicit request: Request[AnyContent] => {
            formWithErrors => BadRequest(views.html.login(formWithErrors)),
            successfulForm => {
              // check DB for valid inputs
                val userName = //retrieved from form
                  .withSession(request.session + ("authenticated" -> "true") + ("username" -> userName))
                    .CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER -> " ")

As soon as the user hits submit, it gets taken to the framework's default Authorized page, and I see on my console that it has failed the CSRF check:

[warn] p.filters.CSRF - [CSRF] Check failed because no token found in headers

I'm thinking that there's a similar problem as mentioned in this answer here in that the session is being refreshed, but I would think it would have the token in the request itself, pass the test, and then load up a new session. Any ideas how to fix, or how to grab the token and "insert" it where necessary here in the Controller method?


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