I have a simple case class as below:
case class SmartMeterData(
dateInterval: SmartMeterDataInterval = HalfHourInterval(),
powerUnit: PowerUnit = PowerUnit.KWH,
smartMeterId: String,
timestamp: String,
value: Double
This case class is contained in the package called models and in the models package I also have a package object where I define all the implicit json mappings. For this case, I have the following implicits:
implicit val currencyReads: Reads[Currency] = new Reads[Currency] {
def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Currency] =
json match {
case JsString(currency) => JsSuccess(Currency.getInstance(currency))
case err => JsError(s"Invalid Currency format ${err.toString()}")
implicit val currencyWrites: Writes[Currency] = new Writes[Currency] {
def writes(currency: Currency): JsString = JsString(currency.toString)
// The default DateTime format that we use for all DateTime
// values that this application produces
val dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
implicit val jodaDateReads: Reads[Imports.DateTime] = Reads[DateTime](js =>
js.validate[String].map[DateTime](dtString =>
DateTime.parse(dtString, DateTimeFormat.forPattern(dateFormat))
implicit val jodaDateWrites: Writes[DateTime] = new Writes[DateTime] {
def writes(d: DateTime): JsValue = JsString(d.toString())
implicit lazy val usagePriceFormat: OFormat[UsagePrice] = Json.format[UsagePrice]
implicit lazy val providerFormat: OFormat[Provider] = Json.format[Provider]
implicit lazy val electricityPriceFormat: OFormat[ElectricityPrice] = Json.format[ElectricityPrice]
implicit lazy val hhIntervalFormat = Json.format[HalfHourInterval]
implicit lazy val fhIntervalFormat = Json.format[FullHourInterval]
implicit lazy val intervalFormat = Json.format[SmartMeterDataInterval]
implicit val powerUnitReads: Reads[PowerUnit] = new Reads[PowerUnit] {
def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[PowerUnit] =
json match {
case JsString("KWH") => JsSuccess(PowerUnit.KWH)
case JsString("WH") => JsSuccess(PowerUnit.WH)
case JsString("MWH") => JsSuccess(PowerUnit.MWH)
case err => JsError(s"Invalid PowerUnit format ${err.toString()}")
implicit val powerUnitWrites: Writes[PowerUnit] = new Writes[PowerUnit] {
def writes(powerUnit: PowerUnit): JsValue = powerUnit match {
case WH => Json.toJson("WH")
case KWH => Json.toJson("KWH")
case MWH => Json.toJson("MWH")
I then started to write some simple tests to parse the JSON's and I'm getting this error:
method fromJson: (implicit fjs: play.api.libs.json.Reads[T]): play.api.libs.json.JsResult[T] does not take type parameters.
Json.fromJson(json)[SmartMeterData].asEither match {
Here is what I'm trying to do:
"SmartMeterData" should "parse from a JSON AST" in {
val json: JsValue = Json.parse("""
"dateInterval" : "HH",
"powerUnit" : "KWH",
"smartMeterId" : "LCID-001-X-54",
"timestamp" : "2012-10-12 00:30:00.0000000",
"value" : 23.0
Json.fromJson(json)[SmartMeterData].asEither match {
case Left(_) => fail("verdammt")
case Right(smartMeterData) => {
assert(smartMeterData.timeStamp equals "2012-10-12 00:30:00.0000000")
You should first provide the type, and then the argument. The call should be:
and NOT: