Play Framework 2.4.x custom deploy script

284 views Asked by At

I want to build my app with custom run script. After 'activator stage' I get built app, with default run script.

So I need to replace default script with my own.

I need batch file like this:

@echo off
set "name=projectName"

activator clean stage || pause 1

del ".\target\universal\stage\bin\%name%.bat"


But after calling 'activator clean stage' script automatically close, how can I solve this problem?


There are 1 answers

Timur Kukharskiy On

If you are using Windows then bat:

@echo off
activator clean stage
copy custom.bat c:\target\universal\stage\bin\myproject.bat

Where custom.bat is your bat that will be used for start the project. But better look at custom configuration of your project