I use Easy Digital Downloads plugin to sell downloadable files. Now I want to play audio and video files (that user buy it) in user account, I can print downloads history with this shortcode: [download_history] but this just show download history not play, next I changed history-downloads.php file like this:
<div class="edd_download_file">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $download_url ); ?>" class="edd_download_file_link">
<?php echo edd_get_file_name( $file ); ?>
<br>play online audio
<audio controls>
<source src="<?php echo esc_url( $download_url ); ?>" type="audio/ogg">
your browser dosn't support play file!
but I want to play Both video and audio, how can I separate video and audio type download files? is there a way to access download category and use it like this?
<?php if($file_category_id==$video_category_id){
echo '<br>play online video
<video width="400" controls>
<source src="'. esc_url( $download_url ) .'" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support video.
else if($file_category_id==$audio_category_id){
echo '<br>play online audio
<audio controls>
<source src="'. esc_url( $download_url ) .'" type="audio/ogg">
your browser does not support audio!
} ?>
You can store content type of downloadable files and use it when used short code [download_history]. For example you can use ACF plugin and set custom type on your product.