Are there plans to support "Require-Bundle" in maven-bundle-plugin, even if its not the recommended OSGi way. There are situations where it makes sense to use "Require-Bundle", for example to merge split packages.
Plans to support "Require-Bundle" in maven-bundle-plugin
2.7k views Asked by user1654885 At
There are 2 answers

is supported by the bundle-plugin, just like all OSGi headers plus any other arbitrary headers that you want to use. Just write them in the XML:
<Require-Bundle>; bundle-version=3.0,; bundle-version=1.0
blah blah blah
You can specify Require-Bundle MANIFEST header in the instructions. E.g.:
However, version range of the required bundle will not be appended automatically, so you have to specify it manually if that is necessary.