I'm trying make a function to check if my sysdate is between 2 datas on the HH24:mi. If this is true then it needs to return 1 if its not return 0.
I tried this one but without succes: Check if current date is between two dates Oracle SQL
Here is the code I used:
create or replace FUNCTION WinkelOpen(winkelID Number)
CURSOR c_tijden_t(v_temp_winkelID IN NUMBER, v_temp_dag IN VARCHAR2) IS
SELECT * FROM Openingstijd
WHERE winkel_id = v_temp_winkelID
AND dag = v_temp_dag;
TYPE a_array_days IS VARRAY(7) OF VARCHAR2(2);
v_dagen a_array_days := a_array_days('ma', 'di', 'wo', 'do', 'vr', 'za', 'zo');
v_temp_suc NUMBER;
v_isClosed Number(1,0) := 0;
FOR i IN c_tijden_t(winkelID, v_dagen(to_char (SYSDATE, 'D')-1)) LOOP
select * INTO v_temp_suc from dual
WHERE trunc(sysdate)
BETWEEN TO_DATE(i.open, 'HH24:mi')
AND TO_DATE(i.gesloten, 'HH24:mi');
--if v_temp_suc is 0 then keep looping
--else v_isClosed = 1 break loop
RETURN v_isClosed;
END WinkelOpen;
Using TRUNC on a date sets it as 00:00 on that day. I assume what you're after here is "Check if the, right now, is between X and Y". Like Mick said, the following should be good:
But you also need to beware that you are potentially looping through multiple results in the cursor. You may get any number of hits but it'll only return the result on the last one. You've commented out that pseudocode part of your cursor. But you don't forget to add
Also - depending on what type of input you're using, such as user input, you might find that they enter the later time first and the earlier second sometimes. So headsup on that if you're experiencing weird results
Meaning: IF(2 between 1 and 3) gives TRUE, but IF(2 between 3 and 1) gives FALSE.