I am trying to set up a transform stream to pipe an image through with GM https://github.com/aheckmann/gm. So I can do something like:
I have used through2 along with gm to try and achieve this. It works but only parses half the image, leaving a large portion just grey.
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs')
, gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true})
, through2 = require('through2');
let readStream = fs.createReadStream('landscape.jpg');
let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('landscape-out.jpg');
let resize = function(width, height) {
return through2(function(chunk, enc, callback){
.crop(800, 500, 0, 0)
.stream((err, stdout, stderr) => {
stdout.on('data', chunk => {
stdout.on('end', () => {
through2(function(chunk, enc, callback){
is only a small part of the image.So the behavior you got seems normal, you are resizing the chunks of the image, not the image itself.
This said, in the doc,
but it s going to buffer the picture in memory, so it s not optimum.
As you are using imagemagick, you shall just let it manage all that part of the processing. And later fs.readStream, the output.
From the doc