PIP Mode for WebRTC video calls in iOS

193 views Asked by At

I have started working on the PIP functionality for IOS. I finished my rendering with RTCMTLVideoView. Then I realised what I'd done wrong: MTKView/GLKView aren't supported in pip mode. Now I intend to Create frame render to display user's video instead of RTCMTLVideoView/RTCEAGLVideoView . But I can't proceed since I can't convert RTCVideoTrack to RTCVideoFrame. Any code fragments or branches where we can discover the idea/solution would be really appreciated.


  1. get videoTrackObject
  2. convert RTCVideoTrack to RTCVideoFrame
  3. create pixelBuffer using RTCVideoFrame
  4. create CMSampleBuffer using CVPixelBuffer
  5. update in the localView/remoteview UI using cmSampleBuffer
  6. implement PIP related methods. */

I referred following links to achieve the pip for video calls: pip for webrtc video calls in ios adopting_picture_in_picture_for_video_calls accessing_the_camera_while_multitasking_on_ipad


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