I am using PingFederate as a Idenity Provider. My application(Service Provider) sends RelayState to PingFederate. But on successful authentication, I am not getting the RelayState back.
By RelayState, my understanding is that its the state information which the ServiceProvider will need on successful authentication at the PingFederation end.
Please correct me If I am wrong.
PingFederate seems to be dealing with RelayState in a different but non-standard way. Following is the link for reference :
Optional Parameter TargetResource or TARGET in the IdPEndPoint URL as parameter. The value of this must be a URL and URL Encoded.
The is different from what the SAML2 Specification http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/
I am using HTTP POST binding and this is what the spec says for
WSO2 seems to echo whatever we send to it as a RelayState value.
BTW I am using PingFederate 8.2.11.