PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS Showing different Values

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so I am currently attempting to locally map my suspended thread when I pop my program into CFF explorer it says that the value of PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS is 00004550: enter image description here

however while attempting to map it by myself my value comes out to be 00400080: enter image description here

typedef struct pe {

} pe;

PE.peNH = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((u_char*)PE.peDH + PE.peDH->e_lfanew);
printf("[?] - NT Headers section is located at: 0x%x\n", PE.peNH);

There are 1 answers

Remy Lebeau On BEST ANSWER

 it says that the value of PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS is 00004550

No, it doesn't. Look at it again more carefully. It actually says the Signature field of the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS struct is 00004550. But you are not printing the Signature, you are printing the PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pointer itself. Not the same thing.

Change your print to this instead:

printf("[?] - NT Headers Signature is: 0x%08x\n", PE.peNH->Signature);