When I try top open a password protected pdf file using pikepdf it runs gives me this error: RuntimeError: unable to load openssl legacy provider
def crack(self, pdf_file="", numbers_only="n", possible_length=10, **kwargs):
file_exist = path.exists(pdf_file)
cracking = True
if file_exist:
if numbers_only == "y" or numbers_only == "Y":
while cracking:
password = [choice(NUMBERS) for _ in range(possible_length)]
password = "".join(password)
print(f"[SYSTEM] Cracking {pdf_file}: {password}", end="\r")
Pdf.open(pdf_file, password=password)
print("PASSWORD FOUND: " + password)
cracking = False
print(f"[ERROR] File does not exists ${pdf_file}")
I was expecting that it would try and open the file.
You would have to install OpenSSL in your machine If you are on macOS
for windows you can find installer on their official website - https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
for linux based os, use