PhysX - simulate() never ends if GPU used

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Im still working on physics system for simulating fluids. I rewrote my application to use PhysX 3.3.0 and to be more objective and now i have a problem which i cant resolve for like a week or two.

This is my initiation of PhysX Context:

void PhysXSPH::initContext(void){
    static LogPxErrorCallback gLogPxErrorCallback;
    static PxDefaultAllocator gDefaultAllocatorCallback;

    mFoundation = PxCreateFoundation(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, gDefaultAllocatorCallback, gLogPxErrorCallback);
    check(mFoundation, "PxFoundation creating failed!");

    static PxProfileZoneManager *mProfileZoneManager = &PxProfileZoneManager::createProfileZoneManager(mFoundation);
    check(mProfileZoneManager, "PxProfileZoneManager creation failed!");

    bool recordMemoryAllocations = true;
    mPhysics = PxCreateBasePhysics(PX_PHYSICS_VERSION, *mFoundation,
        PxTolerancesScale(), recordMemoryAllocations, mProfileZoneManager );
    check(mPhysics, "PxPhysics creating failed!");

        check(NULL, "PxInitExtensions failed!");

    static PxSimulationFilterShader gDefaultFilterShader = PxDefaultSimulationFilterShader;
    PxSceneDesc sceneDesc(mPhysics->getTolerancesScale());

    sceneDesc.gravity = PxVec3(0.0f, -9.81f, 0.0f);

        mCpuDispatcher = PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(4);
        check(mCpuDispatcher, "PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate failed!");
        sceneDesc.cpuDispatcher = mCpuDispatcher;
        sceneDesc.filterShader = gDefaultFilterShader;


    PxCudaContextManagerDesc cudaContextManagerDesc;
    mCudaContextManager = PxCreateCudaContextManager(*mFoundation, cudaContextManagerDesc, mProfileZoneManager);
    if( mCudaContextManager ){
        if( !mCudaContextManager->contextIsValid() ){
            mCudaContextManager = NULL;
            CLOG(ERROR, "physX")<<"Invalid CUDA context.";

            sceneDesc.gpuDispatcher = mCudaContextManager->getGpuDispatcher();
        CLOG(INFO, "physX")<<"CUDA context created.";
    } else {
        CLOG(ERROR, "physX")<<"Creating CUDA context manager failed.";


    mScene = mPhysics->createScene(sceneDesc);
    check(mScene, "createScene failed!");


and initiation of a physX scene but problem occures even with an empty scene:

void PhysXSPH::createScene(PxScene *mScene){
    mScene->setVisualizationParameter(PxVisualizationParameter::eSCALE, 1.0);
    mScene->setVisualizationParameter(PxVisualizationParameter::eCOLLISION_SHAPES, 1.0f);
    CLOG(INFO, "physX") << "PhysX scene created.";

void PhysXSPH::createPlanes(PxScene *mScene){
    PxMaterial* mMaterial = mPhysics->createMaterial(0.5,0.5,0.5);

    //Create actors 
    //1) Create ground plane
    PxReal d = 0.0f;     
    PxTransform pose = PxTransform(PxVec3(0.0f, 0, 0.0f),PxQuat(PxHalfPi, PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

    PxRigidStatic* plane = mPhysics->createRigidStatic(pose);
    check(plane, "Creating plane failed!");

    //create 4 more planes for aquarium

    PxRigidStatic* plane2 = PxCreatePlane(*mPhysics, PxPlane(PxVec3(-4.0f, 0.0, 0.0), PxVec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), *mMaterial);

    PxRigidStatic* plane3 = PxCreatePlane(*mPhysics, PxPlane(PxVec3(4.0f, 0.0, 0.0), PxVec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), *mMaterial);

    PxRigidStatic* plane4 = PxCreatePlane(*mPhysics, PxPlane(PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0, -4.0f), PxVec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), *mMaterial);

    PxRigidStatic* plane5 = PxCreatePlane(*mPhysics, PxPlane(PxVec3(0.0f, 0.0, 4.0f), PxVec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)), *mMaterial);

    // create shape
    PxShape* shape = plane->createShape(PxPlaneGeometry(), *mMaterial);
    check(shape, "Creating shape failed!");


    PxShape* shape2 = plane2->createShape(PxPlaneGeometry(), *mMaterial);
    check(shape2, "Creating shape failed!");

    PxShape* shape3 = plane3->createShape(PxPlaneGeometry(), *mMaterial);
    check(shape3, "Creating shape failed!");

    PxShape* shape4 = plane4->createShape(PxPlaneGeometry(), *mMaterial);
    check(shape4, "Creating shape failed!");

    PxShape* shape5 = plane5->createShape(PxPlaneGeometry(), *mMaterial);
    check(shape5, "Creating shape failed!");

void PhysXSPH::createParticles(PxScene *mScene){
    // set immutable properties.
    bool perParticleRestOffset = false;

    //get data from scene model
    int maxParticles = scene->getMaxParticles();
    int xDim = scene->getXDim();
    int yDim = scene->getYDim();
    int zDim = scene->getZDim();

    // create particle system in PhysX SDK
    particleSystem = mPhysics->createParticleFluid(maxParticles, perParticleRestOffset);
    check(particleSystem, "Creating particle system failed!");

    // TODO set fluid parameters

    // add particle system to scene, in case creation was successful
    if (particleSystem)

    indexes = new PxU32[maxParticles];
    particle_positions = new PxVec3[maxParticles];

    int index=0;
    for(int x=0; x<xDim ;x++){
        for(int y=0; y<yDim ;y++){
            for(int z=0; z<zDim; z++){
                int v=3*index;

                particle_positions[index]=PxVec3((physx::PxReal)(scene->m_vPos[v]), (physx::PxReal)(scene->m_vPos[v+1]), (physx::PxReal)(scene->m_vPos[v+2]));

                //CLOG(INFO, "physX")<<index<<"["<<particle_positions[index].x<<"; "<<particle_positions[index].y<<"; "<<particle_positions[index].z<<"]";

    PxParticleCreationData particleCreationData;
    particleCreationData.numParticles = maxParticles;
    particleCreationData.indexBuffer = PxStrideIterator<const PxU32>(indexes);
    particleCreationData.positionBuffer = PxStrideIterator<const PxVec3>(particle_positions);

    // create particles in *PxParticleSystem* ps
    bool success = particleSystem->createParticles(particleCreationData);
        CLOG(ERROR, "physX")<<"Creating particles failed.";

If code in the #ifdef PX_WINDOWS is commented, everything works fine. Fluid flows like it should. But when I try to use my GPU, application freezes on first fetchResult() invokation (simulate() method never finishes its job). I have no error log, it just freezes. It happens no matter if its DEBUG or RELEASE, and if it is 32 or 64 build.

I have a GeForce 560Ti. I use Physx SDK 3.3.0. I link (eg. on win64 debug build) vs:

opengl32.lib glew32.lib glfw3.lib PhysX3DEBUG_x64.lib PhysX3CommonDEBUG_x64.lib PxTaskDEBUG.lib PhysX3ExtensionsDEBUG.lib PhysXProfileSDKDEBUG.lib


nvToolsExt64_1.dll PhysX3XHECKED_x64.dll PhysX3CommonCHECKED_x64.dll PhysX3GpuCHECKED_x64.dll PhysX3GpuDEBUG_x64.dll

I tried to use different versions of .libs and add .dlls wanted by the application, but every set ended up with a freezing on fetchResult().

I have no idea where to look for mistakes. Everything looks fine. I'd be thankful for any help!


There are 1 answers

Áron Ürögdi On

I know this is an old thread but I had the exact same problem when I switched from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0.

I did find a solution. The problem is that you initialize the extensions twice here. You are using PxCreateBasePhysics to create your SDK object which does some extra work in the background. Namely it calls PxInitExtensions if I'm not mistaken.

The fix is to just change the PxCreateBasePhysics function to the standard PxCreatePhysics call with the exact same arguments. This one doesn't do any additional setups behind the scene. Just leaving out the InitExtensions call might work as well but I have only tried the first idea.

It is an odd thing that this only causes the freeze if GPU is in use, maybe nVidia should look at it.