Building a Phusion+NGINX+Gunicorn+Django web stack inside docker container, doccumenting on github. I have the container running with django and gunicorn. I would like to set up an NGINX reverse proxy. Originally, my plan was just to add something like this(assuming that my bseimage is derived from trusty):
#cat NGINX repos to sources.list
RUN cat ../../etc/apt/sources.list >> debrepos.txt
#install nginx
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install nginx
Where the file debrepos.txt
has the following:
#stanzas for nginx
deb trusty nginx
#deb trusty nginx
deb-src trusty nginx
#deb-src trusty nginx
From there I would replace the nginx.conf
file with the one I need. Recently, I found out about passenger. So my real questions are a.)will the above work in phusion-baseimage? and b.)should I just start over and do this using passenger and docker_compose.yml
P.S. Let me know if I should include the full dockerfile from my repo. I left it out in the name of minimization.
Passenger author here. We have a passenger-docker baseimage which is based on baseimage-docker: It already contains Nginx.