phpmyadmin #2006 error my.cnf configuration find proper file

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i'm working on server with centOS and i'm trying to import database from another server. While importing from file in phpmyadmin I'm reciving #2006 error 'server has gone'

From the information I found, i need to change max_allowed_packet but the thing is needed to add this line in /etc/my.cnf beacuse this file wasn't have any variables. I cannot find another my.cnf ( tried find /name my.cnf ) but it given me only this file, but when i type show variables in phpmyadmin - i've got plenty of vars with max_allowed_packet at 1mb.

i located my.cnf in /etc/my.cnf and /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf and there was no line like max_allowed_packet - so i added it, restarted with service mariadb restart and still this value got 1MB value

what can i do?


There are 1 answers

WujaBob On

Solution which worked for me was log with ssh to mysql and there run sql script " set global max_allowed_packet " to 3344558823 . restart db by "services mariadb restart"