I searched a lot for this problem:
I've got an array:
array('id' = '1'; 'parent' = '0'; 'title' = 'XXX1');
array('id' = '85'; 'parent' = '0'; 'title' = 'XXX2');
array('id' = '41'; 'parent' = '0'; 'title' = 'XXX2');
array('id' = '17'; 'parent' = '0'; 'title' = 'XXX3');
array('id' = '66'; 'parent' = '1'; 'title' = 'XXX4');
array('id' = '92'; 'parent' = '1'; 'title' = 'XXX5');
array('id' = '65'; 'parent' = '1'; 'title' = 'XXX6');
array('id' = '45'; 'parent' = '41'; 'title' = 'XXX7');
array('id' = '19'; 'parent' = '92'; 'title' = 'XXX8');
array('id' = '101'; 'parent' = '45'; 'title' = 'XXX9');
array('id' = '102'; 'parent' = '45'; 'title' = 'XXX10');
array('id' = '103'; 'parent' = '19'; 'title' = 'XXX11');
array('id' = '104'; 'parent' = '19'; 'title' = 'XXX12');
array('id' = '105'; 'parent' = '19'; 'title' = 'XXX13');
How can I sort it that:
it sorts by ID
if parent == 0
, but if it has child, they should go right after their parent. And if that child has child they should also be right after its parent.Consider that items
where parent = 0
are level 0 and every child of this id has level 1 etc.Now:
If level = 0
It should add "-TITLE" before title. If level is 2 - "--TITLE", and if level is 5 - "-----TITLE"
I have about 300 records with max level about 4. I don't need sorting script for levels < 5, but for level 100 too.
When you are working with hira ...heira... tree-like data it is always a good idea to represent the data as a tree.
The following snipped can be used to translate your flat-array into a tree, which you now could process easily by recursively processing all the
arrays of a given element.The method does the following:
array already, add the element as a child.I used a second array
that just contains references to each element based on their id, cause that allows to insert elements at any level of the$result
array without having to search the right level.ps.: there might be recursive approaches out there that are easier to understand.
pps.: I added an empty child-array to any element so I don't have to deal with non-existing arrays, when inserting children.
This method will return you a result like (outtake):
it is still unsorted but now in a format that could be easily processed.
for instance to sort everything, you could now simple use a recursive sort method like
of course the same logic can be used to manipulate the title, display the data etc...